Sunday, September 13, 2009

Apparently I look miserable.

I have to make a confession. I really didn't want to go to church today. Why? Apparently I look miserable. The whole reason I was dreading the social interaction of church was because no matter how well meaning people may be, hearing that you look miserable and uncomfortable somehow doesn't make you feel any better. It's one thing when a close friend or loving family member says it, but when you haven't spoken to someone more than once or twice in passing in the last six months and they go out of their way to tell you how bad they feel for you and how miserable you look, it's enough to make an active member with a strong testimony to want to duck into the back of the chapel during the opening hymn and out during the closing hymn. If I didn't have three little kids, I probably would have. Honestly!!!
So I got to thinking this afternoon. You know how what you say is usually more polite and tactful than what you think? I wonder what those people really thought! I ran it by Josh and he thought that maybe they were just absolutely shocked by the size of my stomach. I think that could be part of it. My guess is something like this....."Can she get any bigger?!? How in the world can she waddle like that in public and not be embarrassed?!? How many times is she going to do that to herself?!? Will somebody please shoot her and put her out of her misery!!! Somebody needs to boil some water, that lady is going to explode!!! Could her ankles get any bigger?!? She should save herself the humiliation and duck in and out of the back during the opening and closing hymns!!!!!!"
So my question to you is, what do you think they are really thinking?????????


Alicia said...

Ha ha! Oh my gosh I know exactly what you mean. The same thing happened to me and I wondered the same thing. I bet they're thinking "I'm glad that's not me."

Tom and Jane Schell said... crack me up! I'm glad you are back to posting. Well, at least this one time before the baby is born right? I'm glad you don't duck in and out, but I am one of those people who hardly ever sees anyone anyway. Good luck with the explosion!

Jennifer Rasmussen said...

I know what they're thinking..."Oh my goodness, don't you know what causes that?" Du du du duh! :) But, having been there myself you just have to let it roll like water off a duck's back, afterall, you've got the waddle, why not the tough skin! :) Love you Hannah! Not much longer!

Dacia said...

I would have to agree with alicia. For those of us who have beeen there we are glad it is someone else. I am sure you look fab. I can't wait for the update after the blow out. Good Luck!!!

Rachel Rackham Westhoff said...

Just so you know, I'm imagining that you look as lithe and graceful as Audrey Hepburn. Downright willowy even. :-)

Hang in there friend-- I sure miss you all


Nessa said...

Hannah, Hannah, HANNAH!!! How are you? Funny post, btw. Your family is adorable...seriously! Your daughter is a "mini Hannah"...well glad to see that everything is well. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Miss you!
