Abby has been learning like a sponge lately. She is so excited about kindergarten! A few days ago, I sat down with her during the boys' nap and thought I would "introduce" tieing a shoe. Within five minutes she had it down. Then she asked what else she needed to know for school. So I put her phone number and address in large print up in her room. The next morning I asked if she knew our phone number. The kid rattled it AND our address off like she'd known it all her life. I asked how she had learned it so fast and she says "I see it in my head like a picture, so I just read it out of my memory." Abby's going GREEN. She's been on my case to recycle, so now that we have a recycling bin from the city, she walks around the house checking things for the symbol and the correct numbers.

Nick's up to his normal antics. Since Josh's sisters have been in town, Nick has been witness to his fair share of boys peeing. This does have it's advantages. Now he says "I wanta squirt like my cousins and Daddy". LOVELY! Anyway, the other day he was determined to go on the big boy potty, so after standing there forever with no success, I sent him out in the yard without his diaper on. I told him to come tell me when something happened. After a few minutes he comes running up and tells me he went "poo poo". I explained that it was called "pee pee", but he just kept arguing with me. So I asked him to show me. There it was lying in the yard. He was right, it was "poo poo".
Ryan is trying to get his two front teeth at the moment. In case you're wondering that will make six. Anyway, it has made him quite the "Momma's boy". He's still very much on the move. Today I put him down in the living room right by the hallway and within about five minutes , he had rolled/scooted his way to the front door. He has learned to be aware of Nick's location at all times....smart kid.